Lee Wilson


Lee Wilson

Lee Wilson

Thriller, Suspense, Supernatural Suspense, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror

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    Aug 2023

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    United Kingdom

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    Lord Of Hell.


Lee Wilson (AKA SpeakingSatan) lives in southwest England and has been writing for many years.

Living with many mental health issues, Lee tries to write about these and others when he can. He has written about depression, agoraphobia, suicide, and PTSD, and will continue to do so. He finds it important to mix fact with fiction to try to create a tale that helps everyone understand what it is like to suffer from these illnesses.

Lee also writes about those struggling. In “The Nameless Voyage” he wrote a short story about a boat crossing the English Channel to highlight the plight of refugees. “Let us go camping” was a comedic take on “Satan” going camping that ended up with the message to support the homeless. Satan can, after all, go home and have a roof above his head. “The Tormented Mind” was a 10k novella that came together as a political fiction with the message that the public has the power to create change.

With two short story collections published and well regarded (The Satanic Curses & A Memoir Of Madness, a short pulp novella (40k words), he is now moving on. He mixes various genres to create something new, different, and exciting. “A Ghosts Story” has roared from the gates of Hell, and “Wilp” – a story that spans almost every genre – is complete and planned to be published soon.

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